UAV Development and manufacturing
About us.
Since the very beginning Temeso has been focused to better understand needs of client and to provide the solution needed.
About the company
Ltd. “Temeso” is a company that works in the fields of aeronautics, mechanical engineering, and other related industries, mainly providing target drone manufacturing and piloting services. The company has been operating since 2015.
Temeso is always on lookout to expand our technical knowledge to grow ourselves and our clients and to provide more in-house capabilities to our manufacturing. We have a strong ongoing cooperation with various departments of Riga Technical University.
Engaging in industry and EU projects
Since 2020 we are members of the Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia (DAIF).

We are members of the Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industry Association (MASOC). We actively involve Riga Technical University MTAF students in training and work in the company to provide first work experience opportunity for young professionals during their studies.
Project „Metal processing cluster development” Project No. CAP / / 12/01/007

In 2018, Temeso, with the help of the Baltic Environment Forum and the European Union LIFE Program project "Baltic Pilot Measures to Reduce Emissions of Substances and Substances of Substitution and Resource Efficiency" (LIFE Fit for REACH, LIFE14 ENV / LV / 000174) and the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund, implemented the support modernization of the company, reducing the use of hazardous substances in daily work.

During 2021/2022. SIA "Temeso" implemented project no. VP-L-2021/108 under the European Regional Development Fund project "Technology Transfer Program" (project identification number in the Innovation Voucher Program to Study the vibrations of an unmanned aerial vehicle (fixed-wing) internal combustion engine in different in working modes, develop vibration damping guidelines and specific constructive solutions including an assessment of the negative impact of vibrations on the aircraft structure and autopilot system.

Action program of the recovery fund "Latvian Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Plan 5.1.r. 5.1.1.r. of the reform and investment direction "Increasing productivity through increasing the amount of investment in R&D" reforms "Management of innovations and motivation of private R&D investments" investment "Support instrument for the development of innovation clusters" implementation rules within the competence centers" SIA "MAŠĪNBŪVES KOMPETENCES CENTRS" from September 13, 2022 to June 30, 2026 implements project no. "Mechanical Engineering Competence Center".
As part of the "Mechanical Engineering Competence Center" project, SIA "TEMESO" is starting on June 1, 2023, research project no. "Improvement of the control system and production technology of the unmanned aerial vehicle (target platform)". The aim of the research project is to develop a new UAV control station and antenna system developed by the company, as well as to improve the manufacturing technology of composite parts used in the company.
In the period from 01.06.2023 – 30.09.2023:
Within the framework of the intermediate stage, SIA "TEMESO" developed a CAD model of the ground station and its component list, the first prototype of the antenna system and samples of parts for further research of the production technology. In parallel with these works, tasks were defined for further research works planned in the next intermediate stage.
In the time period 01.10.2023 – 31.12.2023, two important works have been carried out:
1. The scientific study "Optimization of control frequency, communication and antenna" was carried out.
2. The scientific study "Improving the production technology of flax composite and testing samples" was carried out.
As part of the "Optimization of control frequency, communication and antenna" research, more suitable antennas for the UAV system and system parameters that allow to increase the operating distance were selected. In the tests of the antenna system, a working distance of 48.7 km was achieved with communication quality indicators corresponding to the operation of the system. At distances closer to the operation, but with a larger sector of operation, another antenna was found. A set of these actions gathered potential future improvements to further increase operating distance. All results were summarized in a study report.
As part of the study "Improving linen composite production technology and testing samples", the composite gluing technology used in the company was explored and tests were carried out with various material combinations and technological changes. As a result, a technology map and a database with various technology configurations and parameters of manufactured parts were compiled.
In the time period 01.01.2024 – 31.03.2024, the design of the prototype of the Ground station has been completed and the CAD model and description for the manufacturing of production forms have been developed, as well as the four of six modules of the prototype of the GS have been completed, manufactured and configured:
1. The module of transmitters and antennas placed in the unmanned aerial vehicle;
2. GS Ground antenna module;
3. Ground station system power supply module;
4. Ground station remote control module;
All these modules are fully assembled and set up. We expect to manufacture the remaining two modules (the basic module of the Ground station and the control computer) within the 4th intermediate stage. After the production of these modules, the Ground station prototype will be fully assembled and can be fully tested.
Extensive information analysis work has been carried out in the field of production technology improvement and a precise plan for the next steps has been drawn up to create a test batch of parts according to the knowledge gained during the project. Also, work has started on milling the models, which will make it possible to make a set of forms.
When planning the testing of the Ground station, it was concluded that for safe and controlled testing it is necessary to create a flying transmitter-receiver station (in the form of a quadcopter). This will allow tests to be carried out more easily and without significant limitations, which would be significantly more difficult with a large fixed-wing UAV. Work on the creation of this platform has already begun.
In the time period 01.04.2024 - 30.06.2024, the production of the prototype of the Ground station has been completed, the testing of the Ground control station has been carried out, and a batch of test parts with the improved linen composite technology has been produced.
In general, the planned results of the project have been successfully achieved. A prototype of the Ground control station has been created. It has been functionally tested, which shows the achievement of the initially set goals:
1. Stable operation of the system
2. System operation up to a distance of 40 km.
3. System modularity and rapid deployment.
The desired goals have also been achieved in the production technology section. Improved production technology, as a result of which UAV fuselage parts are manufactured with higher surface quality and greater strength. Natural fibre reinforcement material (linen fibre) has been preserved for these parts. On the other hand, the precision of the parts allows for higher quality manufacturing of the aircraft structure and improves the appearance of the final product. Hatches, wings and winglets have a more precise fit connecting to the central part.
The contract studies carried out within the project have made it possible to gather a large amount of theoretical and practical (laboratory measured) information. It significantly helped to carry out the project and provided a vision for the further development of the Unmanned Aircraft System. Further, it is planned to develop the long-range communication of the aircraft, improve the performance parameters of the unmanned aircraft and improve the operation of the unmanned aircraft system in the conditions of disturbances.
Atveseļošanas fonda Darbības programmas “Latvijas Atveseļošanas un noturības mehānisma plāna 2.2. reformu un investīciju virziena “Uzņēmumu digitālā transformācija un inovācijas” investīcijas “Atbalsts jaunu produktu un pakalpojumu ieviešanai uzņēmējdarbībā”” ietvaros SIA MASOC KC no 2024. gada 1. jūnija līdz 2027. gada 31. decembrim īsteno projektu Nr. “MASOC KC atbalsts digitālu produktu izstrādei”.
Projekta “MASOC KC atbalsts digitālu produktu izstrādei” ietvaros SIA “TEMESO” 2024. gada 1. novembrī uzsāk pētniecības projekta Nr. D.3.3 “Daudz pielietojumu BPL platformas izveide” īstenošanu.
Pētniecības projekta mērķis ir izstrādāt jaunu digitāli pilnveidotu produktu, kas ietver uz jau izstrādāta bezpilota lidaparāta (BPL) bāzes testētas sistēmas un veikt nepieciešamās pārbūves, lai izstrādātu jaunu multifunkcionālu BPL platformu, kas būtu ar būtiski palielinātu lidaparāta autonomiju un digitālajiem risinājumiem. Projekts atbilst digitālu produktu izstrādei, jo tā ietvaros tiek pilnveidota BPL sensoru sistēma un vadības kontroliera sistēma, kas ietver virkni digitālu risinājumu un uzlabo tā autonomiju. Autonomijas uzlabošanai paredzēts strādāt pie inerciālas navigācijas sistēmas integrēšanas BPL. Projekta ietvaros paredzēts veikt piedziņas sistēmas optimizāciju, kas ietver arī dzinēja un piedziņas sistēmas testa stenda izgatavošanu, ka arī video sistēmas izveidošanu un integrēšanu bezpilota sistēma (BPS), lai varētu tikt veiktas novērošanas un meklēšanas misijas. Jaunā platforma būs BPL ar novērošanas, apgādes un datu ievākšanas funkcionalitāti. Šīs platformas galvenie ieguvumi būs lielāks ātrums (salīdzinot ar citiem novērošanas BPL), manevrēt spēja, noturība pret GPS signāla traucējumiem, ērta lietošana, ievērojami lētāka par citiem līdzīgu parametru BPL. Kā būtisku priekšrocību šim BPL var uzskatīt tā modularitāti un daudzfunkcionalitāti, kas ļaus izmantot vienu vienotu platformu dažādiem uzdevumiem. Tas ļautu veikt lidojumu GPS signāla traucētos apstākļos, un tas spētu autonomi veikt novērošanas misiju, ievākt datus vai nogādāt kravu. Rezultātā tiktu iegūts novērošanas BPS, kas ir ātra, manevrēt spējīga , noturīgs pret GPS traucējumiem. Turklāt projekta ietvaros paredzēts strādāt pie BPS daudzpusīga pielietojuma, kas ļautu to ar nelielām izmaiņām pielietot dažādiem mērķiem. Būtiska projekta daļa ir paredzēta BPS efektivitātes uzlabošanai, kas ļautu palielināt tās veiktspējas rādītājus. Tādēļ paredzēts darbs pie motora/piedziņas sistēmas testēšanas stenda izstrādes, kas ļautu optimizēt BPL motora un propellera darbību. Turklāt projekta gaitā paredzēts pētījuma rezultātu daļēja publicēšana vai izplatīšana vismaz divos zinātniskos rakstos vai konferencēs, kas indeksēti Web of Science, SCOPUS, ERIH (A vai B) ScienceDirect vai Elsevier datubāzēs.
Pētniecības projektu plānots realizēt līdz 2026. gada 31. decembrim. Projekta kopējās izmaksas plānotas EUR 272 600,00, tai skaitā EUR 198 080,00 - Eiropas Savienības Atveseļošanas fonda finansējums.